agim zajmi website agim_zajmi_paintings
Albanians stage designs from A. Zajmi (more than 300 stage designs)
albanian art agim zajmi paintingsand stage designs
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Tableau des paysanes
Scenography "les trois soeurs "(Leonid Tolstoi)
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with peasantry
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scenographic painting
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three sisters
Trois portrait de femmes albanaises
Paisage d'une ville au sud de l'Albanie
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portrait of Albanian
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landscape of
a south town
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costume of theater
(romeo et juliette)
Scenography de Konsatandin et doruntine
Scenography "Konsatndin et dorun tine "(Repris en peinture)
Portait artistique
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Albanian old storys
(kostantin and doruntine)
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of albanian
mountain man

L'eclossion de l'oeuf "Adam et Eve"(vision artistique)
Scenographie de la piece d'Ismail Kadare- Le général de l'armé morte.
Vision artistique du corps d'une femme.
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the blooming
of Adam and eve
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general of the death Army
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femininity composition