agim zajmi website agim_zajmi_paintings
Albanians stage designs from A. Zajmi (more than 300 stage designs)
albanian art agim zajmi paintingsand stage designs
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Do your comand for a Albanian painting here .
Albanian painting on the catch of Doruntine by Konstandin (Albanian fairy tale)
Portret of a woman equipped with a traditional albanian costume
Painting on the topic with the river, the white horse and...the young girl
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Albanian fairy tale
(Konstandin and Doruntine)
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Portret of north
albanian woman
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Albanian young girl
Painting and vision on the pain, massacres, sufferings, slaughters in Kosove.
Albanian painting on the world reddened by the conflicts and the symbol of the eternal request of freedom
Portret of Albanian people  of the north
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Albanian Painting about
war in kosove
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albanian painting:
the etrenel reques of fredom


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portret of the
north albanian people
portret of a woman
Painting being based on the vision of the wars without end
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Portret of a woman
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war doesn't never end
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Komposition whith woman 13
painting based in the vision of Christ
Portret of a albanian mother keeping her sons closer to protect them
Painting based on a script maked in theatre of P. L Pirandello and that is called "the man, the animal and the virtue"on a script maked in theatre of P. L Pirandello and that is called "the man, the animal and the virtue"
click in foto to enlarge
Albanian mother or...
the mother albania
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the man, the animal, the virtue


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